Friday, April 1, 2011


Last night the dogs barked all night long!  When I woke up I saw they had treed the bobcat!  Now this morning I had frantic, exhausted dogs and one 30 pound bob cat up the tree.  HELP!!


These are the kind of jokes I tell my family.  Raccoons breaking into the kitchen, trees crashing onto the deck, bobcats.  All inspired by the life around us.  Otherwise now as country living!

That is why I have a well-stocked kitchen!  The closest Safeway is one hour away so it pays to have my shelves full.  Full of creative ingredients-- full of tasty ingredients ready to inspire and entertain.

I have a large age-range within my family,  from baby Zora to my two college-age sons to my two kids in their thirties.  Well, who would think the ingredients for beer pong (minus the beer) would entertain a young child for hours.  A few plastic cups, one long dessert spoon, and several ping pong balls.  Our little friend entertained herself for hours scooping up the ping pong and putting it in another cup.  Inexpensive, entertaining and tons of fun!  That's the theme of KITCHEN ART !  Use your imagination!

Here's a fun project suitable for  April Fool's: 


INGREDIENTS:  one lemon, toothpick, paper towel, paper

TOOLS:  knife, cup

INSTRUCTION:  SEND YOUR APRIL FOOL'S JOKE IN SECRET CODE!!  1. Cut lemon in half and squeeze juice into cup.  2.  Wrap small amount of paper towel around toothpick to use as a pen.  3.  Dip tip into juice and write out joke on piece of paper.  Dry.  And your message is invisible.  4.  For a friend to read your joke they must hold paper up to warm light bulb!  APRIL FOOL'S

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