Sunday, July 31, 2011



Sweltering heat!  Summer's here! A time to enjoy and a time to feel the heat!  Oh my!  My granddaughter came to visit and it was time for my KITCHEN ART philosophy to kick in.  Water is ever so refreshing and soothing.  The sink, the pool, the river.  When I babysit Zora I often put her in the sink and play with the rubber duckies and running water.  Visiting us, when everyone was outside, on that sweltering hot weekend, it became time to be creative.  What do you do with a one-year-one when the temperatures are soaring?  Open those cabinets and search for water toys.  Cups, Tuperware, spoons and your child's beloved 'baby' make an afternoon of delightful fun.

Besides opening your cabinets  here are some recipes to beat the August heat!



Your kitchen holds the ingredients for many floating water toys.  Wine corks are buoyant and the perfect substructure for a variety of boats.

INGREDIENTS:  recycled corks--all sizes, recycled 1/2 gallon milk cartons, recycled spice jars, recycled spice boxes, water resistant glue, toothpicks

TOOLS:  scissors, glue brush, recycled jar lid

INSTRUCTION:   1.  Cut an empty, clean milk carton in half, lengthwise.  This is for your boat base.   2.  Squirt glue into jar lid.  3.  Completely cover the outsides and bottom with glue then press on corks. Line corks up side by side, lengthwise.  Glue and dry.  3.  Let your imagination go wild--create cabin and smoke stack using spice jars and tins.  Use toothpicks as flags etc..  5.  Float in the tub or pool.  Make two and have a race!

ADDITIONAL IDEAS:  Use recycled paper towel tubes as smoke stacks.  OR cut the boat base from a recycled Styrofoam tray and add lightweight objects for cabin.


It is amazing how many water resistant objects there are in your kitchen.  Sponges can also double as floating summer toys.

INGREDIENTS:  Sponges---all sizes, toothpicks, water resistant glue.

TOOLS:  scissors, glue brush, recycled jar lid

INSTRUCTION:  1.  Pick a large sponge for your boat base.  2.  Cut other sponges into shapes (heart, rectangles, circles, etc.).  3.  Squirt glue into jar lid.  Brush glue onto sponges and stick shapes together.  4.  Use toothpicks to hold in place or as flags and decorations.  5.  Set afloat!

ADDITIONAL IDEAS:  Combine corks, sponges and milk carton.  Make more than one and have a race!

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